How Mother Feed Baby?


When Mother Feed Baby? So Those breastfeeding mothers you\’ve seen make it look so easy. They open a button and latch on a baby as if breastfeeding were the most normal procedure in the world. without missing a beat of conversation or a bite of lunch. However, although the source may be normal, nursing knowledge — especially for new moms and their babies — does not always come naturally at first.

There\’s a lot to learn about How Mother Feed Baby? and infirst time is a breeze, a challenge, or somewhere in the middle. So, the more you understand about technique (how to put baby), dynamics (how to know whether the baby is getting enough milk). And logistics (when a meal is finished and when it\’s time for another), the more positive and motivated you\’ll feel.

Breast milk is delivered in three steps. Nature created each for the age of your infant, making it the ideal food from the first to the tenth day and beyond:


Milk hasn\’t yet arrived on the scene when you first deliver then How Mother Feed Baby?. Colostrum is the rich, yellowish (though often clear) fluid you\’re making, and it\’s the same material that leaked out of your breasts during pregnancy. This essential combination of protein, vitamins, and minerals may also aid in the defense against harmful bacteria and viruses, and may even stimulate the production of antibodies in the infant. It also covers the inside of a baby\’s intestines, strengthening her immature immune system and shielding her from allergies and digestive distress. It also causes the baby\’s first bowel movement and lowers the risk of jaundice. You\’ll probably make very little, but the baby won\’t need more than a few teaspoons of this \”liquid gold\” per feeding in the beginning.

Transitional Milk

Transitional milk is next on the menu, which your breasts serve up between colostrum and mature milk, normally about the third or fourth day. It looks like milk combined with orange juice but tastes much better to your baby — and appears when your milk first \”comes in.\” It has fewer immunoglobulins and protein than colostrum but more lactose, fat, and calories.

Mature Milk

Mature milk appears between day 10 and two weeks postpartum and is thin and white, but sometimes slightly bluish. Although it appears to be watery skim milk, it contains all of the fat and other nutrients that developing babies need.

Latching Baby on your Breast

A newborn baby with a mother can take some attempts at first to get into the proper position, but keep trying.
First and foremost, knowing a good latch is important, as poor latching is the most common cause of breast discomfort. Baby\’s mouth, tongue, and lips should massage milk out of your milk glands by covering both your nipple and the areola. Sucking on only the nipple will not only leave your baby hungry. Because the glands that secrete milk will not be squeezed, but it will also cause a rash.
Keep your baby with the front of her body facing your breasts, tummy to tummy. To make swallowing easier, her head should be in line with the rest of her body and not twisted.

Tickle baby\’s lip with your nipple to get him to open his mouth wide, like a yawn. If your baby isn\’t opening up, try squeezing some colostrum, then milk, onto her lips.

If your baby turns away, rub the cheek on the side closest to you softly. The baby will turn her head toward your breast due to the rooting reflex.
When the baby\’s mouth is open wide, bring her forward toward your breast. Allow your baby to take the initiative rather than leaning over and pushing your breast into his or her mouth. Maintain your grip on your breast until your baby has a tight grasp and is suckling well.
When a baby\’s chin and the tip of her nose meet your breast, you\’ve got a good latch. Instead of being tucked in, the baby\’s lips would be flared outward, like fish lips. Check that your child isn\’t sucking on her own lower lip or tongue while nursing; newborns can suckle something by pushing their lower lip down.

Keep an eye out for suckling, which is the extraction of colostrum or breast milk from your breast rather than just sucking or gumming your nipple. If your baby is suckling, you\’ll notice a solid, consistent suck-swallow-breath sequence. There will also be a rhythmic movement in the baby\’s cheek, mouth, and ear. When your milk arrives, keep an ear out for the sound of swallowing or gulping. If you hear clicking sounds, it means the baby isn\’t properly latched.

How Long to Breastfeed

Although you may have learned that short feeds avoid soreness and cracking, this is normally caused by getting into a less-than-ideal position rather than by feeding too long.when Mother Feed Baby Instead of setting time limits for each feed, breastfeed a newborn baby with the mother\’s breasts and allow the baby to take her time; expect feedings to be lengthy at first.

Sessions are usually 20 to 30 minutes long. Keep in mind, though, that this is an average. In the beginning and during growth spurts, the baby can take more or less time and need more feedings.


Drain one breast fully. At each meal, at least one breast should be well-drained. This is more important than ensuring that the newborn baby with a mother\’s breasts feeds from both sides, because hindmilk, the last of the mature milk on which baby feeds, is higher in fats and calories. When feeding baby So don\’t just pull the plug at random. Instead, wait until your baby seems to be able to stop using breast one before offering. But not forcing, breast two. If the baby has finished one breast and does not want anymore. When begin with the other breast at the next feeding.

Wait for the baby to show that she is done. Wait for the baby to let go of the nipple before finishing the feeding. If your baby doesn\’t, you\’ll know it\’s time to stop nursing when the suck-swallow pattern slows to four sucks per one swallow. Frequently, your baby will fall asleep at the end of the first breast and either wakes up to nurse from the second or sleep before the next feeding. Unlatch your baby\’s mouth once more by pulling on your breast near the baby\’s mouth or gently inserting a clean finger into the corner of your infant\’s mouth.

Benefits of Breastfeed for Baby & Mother

Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby battle viruses and bacteria, which is especially important during the vulnerable early months.
This is especially true for colostrum or first milk. Colostrum contains a high concentration of immunoglobulin A (IgA) as well as many other antibodies.

When you are exposed to viruses or bacteria, you begin to produce antibodies, which then enter the milk. It\’s all about immunity.
Babies do not receive antibody immunity from the formula. Babies that are not breastfed are more prone to illnesses such as influenza, diarrhea, and infection.

Breastfeeding encourages healthy weight gain and aids in the prevention of childhood obesity.
Breastfeeding for more than 4 months significantly reduced a baby\’s risk of being overweight or obese.
Some women appear to gain weight while breastfeeding, while others appear to lose weight effortlessly.Breastfeeding does increase fat burning, and after 3 months of lactation. You will more likely experience an increase in fat burning relative to non-lactating mothers. Even then, the difference isn\’t important.
Newborn babies with mothers who breastfeed have more beneficial gut bacteria, which can influence fat storage.
Breastfeeding has so many advantages. And that most health organizations advocate it for anyone for as long as possible, barring medical conditions that prohibit it.
Breast milk contains antibodies and other components that protect your baby against illness and chronic disease. If you\’re willing, it\’s the best start you can give. and this is best option to Mother Feed Baby.

Benefits of Breastfeed for Baby & Mother